Order Status

Once you have placed and paid your order, you will receive an order confirmation via email. This means that your order has been registered and we're now checking every detail (address check, payment, products,...).
If you paid your order with Mastercard, Visa or PayPal, our fraudcheck will first evaluate your order and capture the payment afterwards. (This can take some time if the order gets flagged for high risk of fraud)
If you have an account, or chose to register during checkout, you can check the latest order status on your account page.
Simply visit store.tomorrowland.com/account and use your login details.
Here, you can check your order history and latest status of your order.
- Payment Status
If the payment status is unpaid, it means that your order is still being processed by our fraud filter, or that something went wrong with your payment.
Normally, if you encountered difficulties during payment, you should have received a notification during checkout. For more information about difficulties with your payment, check the information here.
If the payment status is paid, your order has been successfully processed and is now being packed and made ready to start its journey to you.
- Fulfillment Status
If your order is 'Unfulfilled', this means that your order hasn't been picked nor packed. Be patient, most orders are usually processed within 24h and shipped the same day.
'Fulfilled' means that your order is picked, packed and ready to start its journey to you. You will have received a shipping confirmation including a tracking link to follow your order via email.
If you didn't registered during checkout, you can only check the status of your order by the email confirmations you received:
- Order Confirmation
- Shipping Confirmation (incl. tracking link)